Later surveys revealed the extent of the damage to the Tipple and the high cost of stabilizing the structure. It was decided in 2018 to surround the Tipple with a chain-link fence to keep the public safe while waiting for an inevitable collapse.

Later surveys revealed the extent of the damage to the Tipple and the high cost of stabilizing the structure. It was decided in 2018 to surround the Tipple with a chain-link fence to keep the public safe while waiting for an inevitable collapse.
The Wyoming State Hospital campus in Evanston, one of four statewide institutions established by the Territorial Legislature in 1886, is in immediate danger of demolition.
In 1890, Cheyenne was a fast-growing town that aspired to provide the most consistent water access to their residents. The town planned to locate a new pumphouse, to accommodate the growing water pressure needs of the community, on a block of land they recently purchased from the Union Pacific Railroad.
The High Plains Arboretum is part of the former Cheyenne Horticultural Field Station, operated by the United States Department of Agriculture. The research station was authorized by Congress in 1928 to find and develop trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, and vegetables that could thrive in Wyoming’s tough climate.
n recognition of Indigenous Peoples Day earlier this week, we wanted to visit the important role that THPOs (Tribal Historic Preservation Offices) play in the world of Historic Preservation.
A beautiful morning greeted attendees and AHW staff for a tour of four community halls in Park and Big Horn counties in northwest Wyoming in late August. The halls were selected because they represent several different types commonly found in the state, and they are all still actively used for community events. The heyday of hall construction was the 1920s…
ROCK SPRINGS, WY (August 22, 2024) – Today, the Bureau of Land Management released a proposed resource management plan (RMP) for the Rock Springs area that makes strides towards protecting the Oregon-California-Mormon National Historic Trails and other important historic and cultural sites. The plan clearly reflects public input the agency received and incorporated into protecting these popular and historically significant…
You can choose to spend the night in a rustic cabin at a roadside motel or high in the mountains, enjoy a hot springs experience, or try out one of the magnificent lodges built for visitors in our National Parks.
The Wyoming State Hospital campus in Evanston, one of four statewide institutions established by the Territorial Legislature in 1886, is in immediate danger of demolition.