Places & Spaces Library


Bosler, Wyoming Wyoming Industrial Journal no. 11. April 01, 1909, page 2. Wyoming Newspaper Project Bosler was platted in 1909 and began as a cattle and railroad shipping town. The town was named after James Williamson Bosler, a prominent cattle baron of the late 19th century. [5] Scene of Bosler (date unknown) Wyoming State Archives, Department of State Parks and…


Hanna, Wyoming The Lincoln Highway once took multiple routes through Hanna. Today the town is nearly bypassed via Highway 30 to the south. The Lincoln Highway Association, 2012-20 Hanna’s history stems from the nearby ghost town of Carbon. When the Union Pacific Coal Mines at Carbon began producing less coal, surveyors began tracking down new potential sites. A location known…

Medicine Bow

Medicine Bow, Wyoming Virginian Hotel, Front Exterior, Post Card Collection. Wyoming State Archives, Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources Medicine Bow, Wyoming became well known as the setting for Owen Wister’s book The Virginian. Prior to its literary acclaim, and even before the Union Pacific passed through town, Medicine Bow operated as a tie hacking site where ties were…


Parco/Sinclair, Wyoming “Panorama of the Parco fire department with firemen and fire trucks posed in front of the Parco Hotel” University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center, Frank J. Meyers papers, Accession Number 5195, Box 12B, Folder 134 Today, the Sinclair Oil Refinery juts from the landscape like a memento to Wyomings natural resource industry. Just north of Interstate 80, travelers…

Rock River

Rock River, Wyoming Panoramic view of Downtown Rock River (First National Bank left of center) Wyoming State Archives, Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources Similar to other communities along this route, the town of Rock River emerged from the Union Pacific Railroad. By 1899 the town had multiple businesses that served “surveyors, timbermen, coal miners and other workers associated…


Walcott, Wyoming Walcott Hotel, 1922 University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center, Lora Webb Nichols Papers, Accession Number 01005, Box 6, #4680 The Town of Walcott was not added to The Complete Official Road Guide to the Lincoln Highway until its 3rd edition in 1918. This may be due to the fact that the highway never directly passed through the town.…

Onward to Fort Steele

Last week’s stop on Greg’s Lincoln Highway Adventure was the Ames Monument. Last summer we celebrated the site becoming a National Historic Landmark, making it Wyoming’s twenty-sixth National Historic Landmark! This week we leave Albany county and head to Fort Steele

All Aboard for the Ames Monument

Who doesn’t love Buford, Wyoming? We hope a new owner comes in to keep Wyoming’s smallest “town” running, the town is important both historically and for drivers on I-80 who might need to stop for gas or due to the weather. This week’s stop is only a few miles from the small town of Buford- the Ames Monument!

Next Stop: Buford, Wyoming

We hope you enjoyed the beginning of Greg Rasanen’s adventure crossing the Wyoming Lincoln Highway, we sure did! We especially like the part about Frontier Days, it’s always a great event that brings communities and families from all over the country together. Our next stop on this journey is Buford, Wyoming, let’s find out what Greg has to say about this small “town.”

Ames Monument

The $64,000 monument project was designed by Henry Hobson Richardson and was completed in 1882. It features two bas-relief sculptures of the Ames brothers, Oakes on the east side and Oliver on the west

Ames Monument, Albany County

Most of us have at least heard of the Ames Monument. But how many of us have actually gone out to see it? AHW volunteer Katherine Kasckow tells the story of her first time visiting the pyramid on the plains.