Places & Spaces Library


Hanna, Wyoming The Lincoln Highway once took multiple routes through Hanna. Today the town is nearly bypassed via Highway 30 to the south. The Lincoln Highway Association, 2012-20 Hanna’s history stems from the nearby ghost town of Carbon. When the Union Pacific Coal Mines at Carbon began producing less coal, surveyors began tracking down new potential sites. A location known…

Lemley Mill

Through the Ages: Saving Wyoming’s Historic Mining Heritage By: Gina Clingerman Nestled at the southern end of the Wind River Mountains in central Wyoming is a collection of log structures, cabins, saloons, and mills that were once part of the bustling South Pass and Lewiston Mining Districts. The buildings are mute sentinels of time, silently watching countless generations ebb and…

Hallville Mine Site

The Hallville and nearby Black Butte Mines were both opened in 1869, the year after the Union Pacific was completed in the area.  At its peak, 100 coal cars per week were loaded and brought out of the Hallville Mine.