Places & Spaces Library

Gina Clingerman- People Saving Places

Gina Clingerman: Saving Wyoming’s Historic Mining Heritage BLM Abandoned Mine Lands Program Manager People Saving Places Behind every restored building or protected acre of historic trail are committed advocates planning and fundraising. One such advocate is Gina Clingerman, the devoted abandoned mine lands archaeologist who single handedly brought together the Bureau of Land Management, the Alliance, the Atlantic City Historical…

A Tribute to Barbara Dobos

Remembering Barbara Dobos, 1929-2021 By Mary Humstone, founding board member We were saddened to learn that Barbara Dobos, co-founder of the Alliance for Historic Wyoming, died this past spring. Barbara was a teacher, legislator and activist who became involved in historic preservation to protect the public lands at Martin’s Cove along the Oregon/California/Mormon Trail. She and Lesley Wischmann formed the…