History of 851 Gilchrist Street

According to the Platte County Tax Assessor, the building was constructed in 1948. The 1903 Sandborn map depicts a small, one-story building at this location; it appears that between 1912 and 1918. It was razed and replaced by the preset-day 2-story building. In 1918, the building housed a post office. In the 1920s, it contained the Banner Grocery. In the late 1940s, it housed the Quality Cleaners. It currently houses Platte County Economic Development, whose mission is to help local businesses grow and prosper, and to bring new businesses to the area.
Learn more about mass produced architecture
This building appears to represent manufactured architecture. Rather than being designed by an architect for a specific site, plans for manufactured buildings were mass produced and published in newspapers, plan and pattern books, and magazines. This allowed a building to be constructed anywhere in the United States. In Wyoming, local lumber yards and builders stocked materials for these designs. This building was an example of early twentieth-century commercial architecture with such elements as an arched recessed entrance, display windows, kick plate area, sign band, clerestory, cornice with decorative brickwork, and parapet.