Green River Train Depot, Sweetwater County

Brie Blasi: I grew up along the tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad in southern Wyoming, one small element of the pulsing heart of a rail town. As a child, I saw the community of Green River gather and grow around the built environment of a railroad town – the pedestrian overpass, the many businesses, and of course the depot. Built in 1910, the massive red brick depot building with its grand columns and arched doorways once served as the epicenter of a thriving social and business district. And now it might be again. The City of Green River has plans to renovate the building into a multi-use facility with offices, businesses, and rental space. This is why preservation is important. It’s not just about buildings but the people who live their lives in and around those buildings. One hundred years ago, the depot was not only a symbol of civic pride but also the hub of a flourishing community. It now has the opportunity to be the driving force behind that same community’s social and economic renaissance.


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