Hosted two UNBARRED events (Piney Creek & Sweetwater County). These tours provide participants with the opportunity to visit historic sites statewide, with expert tours and discussions of current preservation issues.
With funding from the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, awarded $77,840 in architectural services to 20 local preservation projects in cities, towns and rural areas through the Historic Architecture Assistance Program (multi-year).
Hosted two fundraising events.
Luke Anderson hired as Preservation Programs Assistant
Held two hands-on building conservation workshops for owners of historic buildings.
Expanded More than Mortar campaign to include more than just historic schools.
AHW joins Conservation Lands Foundation as part of Friends Grassroots Network.
Partnered with the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office to present annual Preserve Wyoming conferences in different locations around the state.
Promoted historic preservation projects from throughout Wyoming, through AHW’s website, Facebook page, email news and printed newsletter.