
  • Hosted two UNBARRED events (Piney Creek & Sweetwater County). These tours provide participants with the opportunity to visit historic sites statewide, with expert tours and discussions of current preservation issues.

  • With funding from the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, awarded $77,840 in architectural services to 20 local preservation projects in cities, towns and rural areas through the Historic Architecture Assistance Program (multi-year).

  • Hosted two fundraising events.

  • Luke Anderson hired as Preservation Programs Assistant

  • Held two hands-on building conservation workshops for owners of historic buildings.

  • Expanded More than Mortar campaign to include more than just historic schools.

  • AHW joins Conservation Lands Foundation as part of Friends Grassroots Network.

  • Partnered with the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office to present annual Preserve Wyoming conferences in different locations around the state.

  • Promoted historic preservation projects from throughout Wyoming, through AHW’s website, Facebook page, email news and printed newsletter.
